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Buddies Make Miracle League Possible — Join the Fun!



Buddies are typical kids and adults who help our special needs athletes hit the ball, get on base and cross home plate. No special training is needed (we’ve provided some tips below) — just a sense of fun and adventure and a willingness to make an athlete’s day.


We need 26 buddies for each game – this means we need 2 teams of players to help for each game.
Register NOW to be a buddy for our 2021 season (June/July)!


Contact us at


How can I be a great Miracle League Buddy? 

  • Wear your team jersey or just come as you are!
  • All buddies must not wear cleats (metal or rubber) on the fields.  Please wear tennis shoes while on the field.
  • We are hoping that your entire team will attend and be buddies as some of our teams have 15 players on it
  • The games are on the new Subway Restaurants / Harmon Killebrew Field at Bennett Family Park

The first 15 minutes are “meet your player” time  and warm ups.

  • Get to the park about 10 minutes before your designated time.
  • When you get to the field, seek out the  Miracle League coach for additional training and instructions and to get paired with a player.
  • Grab a ball and go out in the field with your player and warm-up! Try to get to know your player. Their parents will most likely be there and they might give you some special tips on how to work with their child.  Remember – they love baseball too, they just need a little extra help.
  • The most important thing is to keep your player SAFE.  Watch out for fly balls that could hit them, getting hit by bats or other kids, help them with their helmet………..the next important thing is to help them have FUN!

 The next 60 minutes are the game.


  • New this year!  As a team you will either sing the National Anthem or Take Me Out to the Ballgame – depending on the coin toss!  Oh come on – you can do it!
  • The coach will have the line-up.  You can hangout in the dug out with your player until they are up to bat or out in the field.  It might get crowded in there!
  • When your player is up, make sure they have a helmet on and have a bat.  Let them do as much as possible, but some may need help batting off the tee.
  • When they hit the ball, encourage them to run to first base.  Even if they get out – they stay on the base.  If they want to take more bases, let them steal.  No one gets out, we simply run through the line-up for an inning.  If your player uses a wheelchair, push them around the bases……….just be careful to not go too fast!
  • When your player is out in the field – hang out next to them.  Let them do as much as possible.  If they are unable to throw the ball and you get the ball, bring it over to them and see if you can help them throw or ask them where it should go and then throw yourself.
  • Whether batting or in the field, your main job is to have fun with them, assist where needed and PROTECT THE PLAYER.  Some kids don’t have the coordination to protect themselves from a hard hit, fly ball – so be on the look out and step in.

The next 15 minutes are celebrations and clean-up.

  • After the game, we do the line-up and high fives and maybe a run around the bases. Then we pass out treat tickets.  THANK YOU for being a great buddy!


Here is a video taken by one of the parents of a buddy team. Enjoy.

Miracle Field; June 11, 2011; 10AAA Signature Bank from SonLight Productions on Vimeo.


Here is a nice note from one of the parents this year:

“Hi Lisa,

My son had the wonderful opportunity to be a Miracle League Buddy last weekend. Watching these kids work together is amazing! The last thing my son said to me before going to bed that night was, “Could you check the Bennett book to see when Brady (the player he was matched up with) plays again? Do you think if we go watch he’ll remember me?” It was a fantastic experience. Thank you for all you do!


< 2015 >
August 23 - August 29
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